Book Description:
The tale begins long before I, and will linger long after I am forgotten. A tale of forbidden longings in so many forms. For power, for belonging, for love, for wealth, for control, for understanding, for independence, for lust and for what we cannot have. For there is a price. There is always a price.
She was running though the forest, to see a boy who claimed to be her beau, but he was not. He said he would marry her, but it was just a lure. She was here at night because he had told her to come. She was young, naive, and pretty, which is a dangerous combination, and a tempting lure. Though she was also bright and resourceful, which the boy was not aware of. Though she often did not think ahead, she thought quickly on her feet. Though she did not anger easily, when she was angered, beware. But he would learn and regret. But let me not get ahead of myself